Laura Buijs

Motivating children and young people to make healthy choices, I find that very important. From an early age, children often know what is healthy for them and what is not. Their personal motivation, however, to live a healthy life is often lacking. Why would they go for that apple instead of that chocolate bar or why choose for playing soccer instead of watching a nice TV show on the coach. Habits that children learn at an early stage are often continued for the rest of their lives. That is why I think it is important to encourage children to look for personal motives to make healthy choices and to help them implement them.

Laura Buijs (MSc., University of Amsterdam, 2012) is the Project Coordinator of the MyMovez research project. She graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a Master’s degree in Communication. She followed the Youth and Media specialization track. After a few years as Junior Research Executive at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, she is now affiliated with the Radboud University as Project Coordinator. Laura also works as a web editor for Bitescience, affiliated with the Radboud University as well.


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